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Thursday 28 July 2011

* Malfouf Stuffed Cabbage


3 lb (1 1/2 kgs) head of cabbage
1/4 cup ghee
1 teaspoon salt
1 garlic bulb, peeled
1/2 cup lemon juice

1 1/2 cups short grain rice
1lb (1/2 kg) minced meat or lamb
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon each pepper,cinnamon

Remove the core from the cabbage and separate the leaves.
Blanche the leaves - a few at a time - and remove from the water quickly. Drain.
Flatten the central veins of the leaves, discarding them if they are too tough to roll. Cut the large leaves into halves and leave the small ones whole.
Prepare the stuffing and stuff and roll as directed in "Stuffed grape vine leaves in oil".
In a saucepan, place a layer of blanched unstuffed cabbage leaves, 1/4 cup of ghee and the garlic cloves.
Arrange the stuffed leaves on top of the garlic cloves and cover with a plate turned upside-down to keep them in place.
Cover the stuffed leaves with boiling water and place the saucepan over medium heat until the water comes to the boil.
Reduce the heat add lemon juice, and cook until the water evaporates (one hour). Turn the stuffed leaves onto a platter and serve with yoghurt.

* Chicken ceasar salad

grilled chicken
sweet corn
toasted bread cubes...
ceasar sauce: mayonnaise..lemon juice..milk..salt..peper..​garlic powder.. Parmesan cheese

* 7awawshy


For the dough
3 cups all purpose flour
1 egg
1 table spoon sugar
a pinch of salt
1/3 cup vegetable oil
3/4 to 1 cup warm water
2-3 teaspoons instant yeast (you can use any type of yeast just follow the instructions on the package for preparing it)
1 teaspoon sugar

For glazing
1 additional beaten egg for glazing
sesame seeds
Nigella seeds

For the filling
green pepper
black olives

For the dough:
prepare the yeast to make sure it is working by adding the dry yeast + 1 teaspoon of sugar to 2 tablespoons of warm water and covering them for 15 minutes to rise and bubble.
Add all the remaining ingredients in a bowl except for the water and add the yeast mixture.
Add 3/4 of the water and knead the dough (add more water if it is dry). Kneed for 10 minutes until it all comes together and does not stick in the bowl. It should be a soft elastic dough.
Cover and put aside until it doubles in size (can take 1 or 2 hours depending on the weather)
Punch the dough in the middle and then knead again for 5 m inutes.
Divide into 6 balls then flatten each out to a circle (same size as a small pizza)
Divide the filling among 4 of the circles and cover them with the other 4 making sure that the edges are well sealed.
Cover and set aside again for 1/2 an hour then glaze with the beaten egg and using a fork make a few tiny holes then sprinkle with sesame and nigella seeds.
bake in a preheated hot oven (around 200c) in the middle shelf for about 25 minutes or till golden on top

* Salmon Oregano Cookies

100g flour
50g soft butter
1 tbs oregano
40g parmesan cheese
4 tbs water

mix all ingredients together , roll out the dough and cut using stars cookies cutter ... bake for 12 min in 180C oven .
garnish with some philadelphia cheese ( i used herbal garlic one ) . and some tranches of smoked salmon .

* Stuffed Tomatoes

6 tomatoes opened cleand from inside
1 tuna's can
1 boiled and grated potato
6 small pickled cucumber
2 tbs mayonnaise
salt and pepper
1 tbs olive oil
1 tbs lemon juice

blend all ingredients toghether .. except tomatoes ... til obtaining a cream .
stuff tomatoes with this cream using tip 1M
garnish with some parsley

* Tuna & Corn Quiche

1 roll of sable or puff pastry dough ( u can make it at home .. I used ready made one )
1 small can of corns
1 small can of tuna ( in water and salt )
chopped green onions
1 cup of light cream
3 eggs
salt, pepper, nutmeg & oregano
4 tbs of grated cheese ( i used emmental )

wrap ur tart mould with the dough , pour corns, tuna, green onions and cheese on the top ... mix eggs , with cream and spices ... pour on the top of ur quiche .. bake for 30 min in 180C oven .
Just amazinnnnnnnnnng and easy .

* Piroshki

makes 20 (you can make them smaller and get more)
Preperation: 20 minutes + resting
Cooking: 40 minutes (dough and filling)

1&1/4 cups milk
125g butter
2 tablespoons sugar
3 cups plain flour
2 teaspoons salt
1 sachet dry yeast
1 egg yolk
beaten egg, to glaze

You can have any filling you want. I usually have either cheese or minced meat but you can also make it with chicken or anything you like

The cheese filling
250 gms Feta cheese (I used low salt crumbly white cheese called NOR which is a local cheese here)
1 tsp salt (if your cheese is low on salt
1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp chilli flakes
2 tblsp olive oil
2 tblsp dry mint
Mix all together and leave aside till dough is ready

or the dough
1- Heat the milk, butter and sugar in a saucepan over low heat, stirring occasionaly, until lukewarm and the butter has melted
2- Sift the flour with the salt into a large mixing bowl. Stir in yeast. Make a well in the centre and pour in the milk mixture and the egg yolk. Stir with a wooden spoon, gradually incorporating the flour. Beat the dough for 3 minutes until smooth and elastic (you can beat by hand or a machine)
3- Sprinkle a little flour on top, cover with plastic wrap then a folded tea towel and leave in a warm place until doubled (about one hour)
4- Preheat the oven to very hot 230C. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface, knead lightly and pinch off a tablespoon-sized piece. Flatten it slightly into a thick disc and place a tablespoon of filling on top. fold the edges over to enclose filling and shape into a ball. Repeat till you finish the dough
5- Place on a lightly greased baking tray, cover the tray loosely with a plastic wrap and leave in a warm place for 15 minutes. Brush the surface with beaten egg and bake for 10-15 minutes until golden and cooked

* Fish Fillet with Lemon Cream


For the Fish Marinate

1 kg any fillet fish you prefer cut into big chunks
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp ginger powder
The juice of 2 lemons
Salt & pepper

For the Crust

2 cubs flour
2 tsp garlic powder

For the Cream Mixture

500 ml cream
The juice of 2 lemons
A good pinch of nutmeg
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 garlic clove mashed
Salt & pepper


Mix all the ingredients for the fish marinate and leave it marinating for about 30 minutes.

Mix the flour and the garlic powder and dust all the fish chunks in the flour and fry them to a golden color in some oil. Arrange the fish pieces in your baking dish.

For the cream mixture, heat the cream with the garlic and all the spices and in the very end add the lemon juice.

Now, cover the fish in the baking dish with the cream mixture and bake in a hot over until golden on the top.

* Brown lentils

Clean and wash 2 cups brown lentils and put in water over heat till it starts boiling and then cover and leave over low heat till lentils are done (don't over cook the lentils ... we don't want them mushy) then drain the water and keep it as you will need it in cooking the lentils.

In a cooking pan over heat saute a medium onion till bale then add 2 tblsp tomato paste and the water you boiled the lentils in and add 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1/2 tsp paprika, and lots of cumin powder (1-2 tsp at least) and once it starts boiling lower heat and leave it covered for the sauce to reduce.
When the sauce reduces add the boiled lentils and let it boil then add 3 crushed garlic cloves and let it boil for a couple of minutes then take it off the heat.

* Garlic Mashed Potatoes with Sour Cream


6 big potatoes pealed and cut into cubes
5 gloves of garlic, chopped
5 tbsp butter
½ cup sour cream
¼ cup chopped chives
1 Chicken concentrate cube (Magi)
Black piper
Just a pinch nutmeg


Boil you potato cubes in hot water adding to it the Magi cube until it’s completely tender and easy to smash.

Drain the potatoes from water and put them back on low heat adding the garlic and butter and start mashing them with a potato masher until they completely mashed. Season with salt, piper and nutmeg.

Remove from heat and add sour cream and chives and mix very well until all incorporated and creamy.

Add your mashed potatoes to a baking dish and add some butter to brown the top and leave it for a short while under the broiler till the surface is golden.

* Fattet Shawerma

Ingredients for the Shawerma

1 kg tender beef cut into thin strips
1 pack of shawerma spices (available at all super markets)
1 tbsp vinegar
2 tbsp oil
1/2 cup water
2 hard tomatoes cut into cubes after removing the watery seeds
1/2 cup finely chopped parsley

Ingredients for the Rice

3 cups basmati rice
6 cups of chicken or vegetable stock
1 gm saffron زعفران
5 cloves قرنفل
2 bay leaves ورق لارو
2 cinnamon sticks
1 tsp turmeric (korkom)
2 tbsp margarine
4 loaves of Lebanese bread cut into square pieces

For the Garlic Sauce (tomeya)

1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup yogart
1/2 cup sour cream
4 finely chopped gloves of garlic


For the garlic sauce, we mix all ingredients and taste to make sure there's enough garlic in it. Leave it in the fridge till serving.

For the shawerma beef, marinate the beef in the shawerma spices, oil, vinegar & water and leave for at least 2 hours marinating in the fridge, the longer the better of course. After marinating, stir fry your beef and leave it on heat to soak all water, if it wasn't quite done you can add water. After you remove it from heat add your tomatoes and parsley.

For the rice, cut your bread into small square pieces, coat it with some oil and leave it to toast in the oven until crispy and golden brown then leave it aside. Wash your pasmati rice and leave it to soak in water for 20-30 minutes. On high heat, add your chicken stock and saffron and bring them to a boil. In the cooking pan your cook the rise in add 2 tbsp on margarine, the cloves, the cinnamon sticks, turmeric and the bay leaves and leave them all to heat up together and then add your saffron chicken stock. Drain the rice from any water and add it to the stock and spices. Season with salt and very little pepper and leave it covered till it's cooked.

Now, we start layering our dish! First, you layer your toasted bread and then you top it with all the rice and then you top them both with the shawerma beef. You can sprinkle the garlic sauce on top or you can leave it aside.

* Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Spinach and Fetta Cheese


3 chicken boneless skinless breasts cut in half
400 gm frozen spinach
1/2 cup fetta cheese
3 gloves of garlic, chopped
1 cup chicken stock
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup cream
2 tbsp flour
Butter & oil
Salt & black pepper


Prepare your stuffing but mixing the cheese with the spinach adding the garlic and seasoning with black pepper and nutmeg.

Bring your six pieces of chicken and with a very sharp small knife make a cut in the middle along the breasts to make something like a pocket in the chicken pieces and fill it with your stuffing making sure you leave two tbsp of the stuffing to be added later to the gravy. Close the pocket with a tooth pick or maybe two. Season both sides of the chicken breasts with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

In a pan add butter and some oil and saute your chicken, keep turning till both sides are brown and caramelized. Remove chicken from the pan into a baking dish and add some of the oil and butter left in the pan to it. Bake in the over till chicken is cooked through. Remove baking dish from the oven and remove chicken from the baking dish.

To prepare the gravy, on the stove put the same baking dish adding to the left juices the flour and let it cook a little. Add milk and chicken stock and bring to a boil then add the cream and the remaining stuffing.Whisk on the heat for 1 minute and remove from heat. Add the chicken breasts to your serving dish and cover with the gravy.

* Vegetables Omlette


5 eggs
2 tbsp sour cream (you can replace it with cream or remove it all together)
1 cup fresh diced mushrooms
1 small onion, chopped
3 gloves of garlic, chopped
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes cut in quarters (you can use regular tomatoes instead but the cherry tastes really better and sweeter in this recipe)
1 yellow sweet pepper, diced
1 red sweet pepper, diced
chopped parsley (as much as you prefer)
Chopped chives (as much as you prefer)
3 tbsp grated Parmesan
1 tsp dry oregano
1/2 tsp smoked red pepper powder
A pinch of nutmeg
Salt & pepper
Vegetable oil


Beat your eggs well until they're frothy. Add the sour cream and season with salt & pepper, mix well and leave aside

Add some oil and butter to your pan and once they start heating up add the chopped onion. Once the onion has tenderized add the mushrooms and garlic. Saute your vegetables until they are well cooked and then add the cherry tomatoes, red pepper and yellow pepper. Cook for a minute or tow until they're tender. Season your vegetables with the dry oregano, red pepper powder, nutmeg & black pepper. Add your beaten eggs to the vegetable mix just ones to make sure all veggies are coated with eggs and let them cook on low heat until your eggs are well cooked and dry, if you like your eggs a little runny then don't leave them to cook completely. Cover the top of the eggs with the parsley, chives and Parmesan cheese and let the cheese melt for a minute.

* Grilled Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms


2/3 cup

chopped plum tomato

1/4 cup

(1 ounce) shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese

1 teaspoon

olive oil, divided

1/2 teaspoon

finely chopped fresh or 1/8 teaspoon dried rosemary

1/8 teaspoon

coarsely ground black pepper

1 garlic clove, crushed

4 (5-inch) portobello mushroom caps

2 tablespoons

fresh lemon juice

2 teaspoons

low-sodium soy sauce

Cooking spray
2 teaspoons

minced fresh parsley
end class="rcpdetail"

Prepare grill.Combine the tomato, cheese, 1/2
teaspoon oil, rosemary, pepper, and garlic in a small bowl.Remove
brown gills from the undersides of mushroom caps using a spoon, and
discard gills. Remove stems; discard. Combine 1/2 teaspoon oil, juice,
and soy sauce in a small bowl; brush over both sides of mushroom caps.
Place the mushroom caps, stem sides down, on grill rack coated with
cooking spray, and grill for 5 minutes on each side or until soft.Spoon
1/4 cup tomato mixture into each mushroom cap. Cover and grill 3
minutes or until cheese is melted. Sprinkle with parsley.Notes:
Since the garlic isn't really cooked, the mushrooms have a strong garlic
flavor. Grill the mushrooms stem sides down first, so that when they're
turned they'll be in the right position to be filled. If you want to
plan ahead, remove the gills and stems from the mushrooms and combine
the filling, then cover and chill until ready to grill.

* Vegetable bake

Ingredients (serves 4-6)
400g tomatoes, thickly sliced
2 eggplants, diced
2 zucchini, diced
2 red or yellow bell peppers, sliced
300 g Mozzarella cheese
1/3 cup of fresh breadcrumbs
1 bunch of basil, chopped
fresh oregano, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat the oven to 200 C.
Finely slice the vegetables. Crease a casserole dish with olive oil,
and fill with layers of vegetables and Mozzarella, until they have been
used up. Every layer should be season a little with salt and pepper,
sprinkle with breadcrumbs, olive oil, basil and Mozzarella cheese.
Combine the breadcrumbs with oregano, season with salt and pepper,
and sprinkle over the vegetables and cheese. Finally, drizzle with olive
oil and bake in the oven for about 1 hour.

* Baked Salmon

2 cloves garlic, minced6 tablespoons light olive oil1 teaspoon dried basil1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon ground black pepper1 tablespoon lemon juice1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped2 (6 ounce) fillets salmon

In a medium glass bowl, prepare
marinade by mixing garlic, light olive oil, basil, salt, pepper, lemon juice and
parsley. Place salmon fillets in a medium glass baking dish, and cover with the
marinade. Marinate in the refrigerator about 1 hour, turning occasionally.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190
degrees C). Place fillets in aluminum foil, cover
with marinade, and seal. Place sealed salmon in the glass dish, and bake 35 to
45 minutes, until easily flaked with a fork